Convert upper case to lower case and vice versa

Convert case of your text

Original text
Transformed text
Character count:
Word count:
Sentence count:

Convert case text tool - what is it?

The convert case tool is handy tool that allows you to convert case of your text from lower case to UPPER CASE, Mixed Case, Sentence Case and more. Explore the options below to transform your text using this convenient online tool. Change between upper and lower case letters, capitalize or uncapitalize words, or convert to mixed case

Upper case

Converting text to upper case means changing all the letters in the text to their upper case form. This is useful when you want to make the text stand out or when you want to emphasize certain words or phrases. Upper case text is often used in headlines, titles, and acronyms to draw attention and convey importance.

Lower case

Converting text to lower case means changing all the letters in the text to their lower case form. This is useful when you want to make the text more uniform or when you want to compare two strings without considering their case. Lower case text is often used in informal writing or when you want to convey a sense of humility or modesty.

Sentence case

Converting text to sentence case means capitalizing the first letter of each sentence and leaving the rest of the letters in lower case. This is useful when you want to make the text more readable and follow standard English capitalization rules. Sentence case is commonly used in most forms of writing, including books, articles, and essays.

Capitalized case

Converting text to capitalized case means capitalizing the first letter of each word and leaving the rest of the letters in lower case. This is useful when you want to make the text more visually appealing or when you want to emphasize certain words. Capitalized case is often used in titles, headings, and subheadings to make them stand out and convey importance.

Alternating case

Converting text to alternating case means changing the case of each letter in the text so that it alternates between upper and lower case. This is useful when you want to create a playful or informal effect with your text. Alternating case is not commonly used in formal writing but can be seen in creative works such as poetry or advertising.

Title case

Converting text to title case means capitalizing the first letter of each word except for certain small words such as conjunctions and prepositions. This is useful when you want to make your text look more professional or when you want to follow standard title capitalization rules. Title case is commonly used in book titles, article titles, and headlines. Title case is a style of capitalization used for titles and headings in the English language. In title case, the first letter of each word is capitalized except for certain small words such as articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. However, there are several different styles and rules for title case, and the specific rules can vary depending on the style guide being followed.

Some common rules for title case include: