Password Strength - Check your password strength!
Check if your password is a strong one.
What is the Password Strength tool?
To measure the strength of your password, you can use the Password Strength tool from GetPassword. The tool allows you check if your password lives up to certain password strength criteria you specify. You can check if the passwords you input include numbers, upper and lower case characters, symbols as well as check for other common issues with passwords. Besides validating your passwords, we also provide Password Score. Read more about the Password Score on this page.
How does the GetPassword Score work?
The score gives a visual indication of your password strength like below:
You will get this score if you password is one of the most commonly used passwords
- Password length above 11 chars +1 point
- Password length above 15 chars +1 point
- Password contains mix of lower- and uppercase letters +1 point
- Password includes a number +1 point
- Password contains a special character +1 point
- Password contains a known password -1 point
Note: If your password equals any known password, your score will always be 1 no matter if any of the other rules are met.